The Ministry of Finance (Brasil)

Esplanada dos Ministérios - Brasília Brasília 70048-900 BR

The Ministry of Finance is the body of the administrative structure of the Federative Republic of Brazil responsible for formulating and executing economic policy.

On this page you will find the main institutional and organizational information of the Ministry of Finance: its functions, competences, organizational structure, list of authorities (who is who), authorities agenda, opening hours and legislation of the body/entity.

Legal Basis

Provisional Measure 1,154, of January 1, 2023, established the new structure of the federal government. Within the organization of the bodies of the Presidency of the Republic and the ministries, the Ministry of Economy was extinguished and the Ministries of Finance, Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services and Ministry of Planning were created and Budget.

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