The Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (Uruguay)

C. Soriano 802 Montevideo Departamento de Montevideo 11100 UY

The Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) was created as Ministerio de Hacienda by Law on March 8, 1830, while its current name is included in Article 103 of Law Nº13.835 of January 7, 1970, designating it in addition to the commitments of the previous one, all those that derive or serve as a mean to exercise its main commitment of superior conduction of the national policy in economic and financial matters. It is the organization that allows the exercise and fulfillment of the obligations established in Article 181 of the Constitution of the Republic, aimed at fulfilling the Constitution itself, the laws, decrees and resolutions, preparing and submitting to the consideration of the Executive Power the drafts of law , decrees and resolutions that are considered appropriate according to what is established in article 174 of the Constitution of the Republic.

Law No. 13.835 Art. 103 of January 7, 1970 Designation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance

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